Dr. Lunceford is a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) and an Independent Medical Evaluator (IME) in the field of psychology. QMEs and IMEs are psychologists who are certified by the California Division of Workers’ Compensation Medical Unit to evaluate injured workers. QMEs and IMEs review disability claims and write medical legal reports that are used to determine how the claim is processed and settled. QME and IME reports are used to help determine an injured worker’s eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits. Additionally, Dr. Lunceford conducts evaluations for Federal Worker’s Compensation claims under the Defense Base Act (DBA).
Dr. Lunceford offers comprehensive medical legal evaluations and trial consultation services in the following matters:
- Qualified Medical Evaluations (Panel QME)
- Agreed Medical Evaluations (AME)
- Independent Medical Evaluations (IME)
- Evaluations for Federal Worker’s Compensation claims under the Defense Base Act (DBA)
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Emotional damage arising from personal injury, sexual or racial harassment, and sexual abuse
- Competency to stand trial/insanity defense
- Evaluation of risk of criminal recidivism
- Employment
- Malingering or concealing psychological problems
- Substance abuse
- Pre-trial and sentencing evaluations