We often take time to review the year in December when we can look back over the year in it’s entirely and assess how things went and whether or not we met our goals. But I think it’s important to reflect on the year during the year so we can make course corrections earlier.
With that in mind I encourage you to take some time this month to take a look at how the year has gone for you so far. Are you on track to meet the goals you had in mind for this year? Or have you pushed them aside in the business of day-to-day life?
My husband and I review our goals for the year and the years ahead on a regular basis. It has become part of how we live so we don’t have to plan to do this anymore; it just happens periodically as we’re talking about what’s happening. As I think of something new I might want to do in my life I share that with him and he does the same. There is something powerful about articulating a goal in this way and sharing it with someone. I think when we do this we’re more likely to take steps toward that goal.
So if you don’t do this regularly, now is a good time to look at how the year is going and to do some things differently if you’re not making headway toward achieving your goals. Then talk with someone or journal about what you’ve noticed. If you have a goal that you are not making progress toward, make a specific plan. Break it down into small, behavioral, measurable steps and put those steps in your calendar. Post reminders where you’ll see them. And plan to reward yourself in some small way when you achieve each step in the plan. That’s a key to keep you moving toward the accomplishment of the goal when other things threaten to get in the way.
Life gets away from us. Every year seems to go by more quickly than the last. Take control by being mindful about what you want and making a plan to get there. When you look back in December you’ll be glad you did.